peNgiKut kEsayaNgaN QueshEira

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Belajar ^_^

Belajar berarti
Upaya yang tak pernah henti
Sejak bayi sampai menjelang mati
Mengasah otak menghias hati dan pekerti
Tak ada kamus untuk cuti
Apalagi cuma diam menghitung hari
Belajar adalah,
Kerja keras, bukan pasrah
Bersemangat dan pantang menyerah
Mau mencoba dan tak takut salah
Bersabar tak pernah berkeluh kesah
Dan belajar bukan sekedar dapat ijazah
Belajar juga berarti
Membaca dengan pikiran
Mendengar dengan hati
Melihat dengan jiwa
Berjalan dengan perasaan
Belajar artinya, tegar
Rendah hati, santun, dan sabar
Agar menjadi anak terpelajar
Bukannya jadi kurang ajar

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Friday, January 25, 2013

YOU owez had a place in my HEART

u 0wez had a place in my heart
it was there jst 4 u
n0 length 0f time went past
tht i did n0t think 0f u
i 0wez prayed n wished
tht s0meday we w0uld meet
n tht little spark w0uld be relit
the time did c0me when that spark was lit
n th0ught this c0uld be it
till nature blew a gust 0f wind
n blew it 0ut
i d0n't kn0w why it happened
i cann0t w0rk it 0ut
i wanted t0 kn0w u s0 much
maybe it was n0t meant t0 be
i will still meet u
0ne day up ab0ve
until then, i believe u are watching 0ver us
s0 till the time c0mes
i want u t0 rest in piece
think 0f me n remember
i am pr0ud t0 be a part 0f u 

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I will write YOU a Picture

i'll write u a picture wif my palette 0f w0rds
i'll mix u and i'll mingle the n0uns and the verbs
i'll paint u a st0ry wif my writer's pen
a blank canvas 0f imaginati0n has n0 beginning 0r end
i'll sh0w u the w0rld in c0l0urful letters
i'll write u a picture wif c0mmas and feathers
a dash 0f whimsy, a t0uch 0f black ink
a str0ke 0f gray graphite mixed up wif a wink
all the c0l0rs 0f dreams painted wif verbs
my pen is the paintbrush, my paint is the w0rds
of pink paper p0ppy and flight 0f black bird
i'll paint u a st0ry y0u've never quite heard...

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Segmen Tambah Follower!! ~~KasihLestariAbadi~~

w0www...1st tyme Arniesyz j0in segmen tambah f0ll0wer ne. bf0re ne x pnh j0in pn. stkt cba2 jerr..hihi. tba2 jerr ada m0od. apapn, h0pe dgn j0in segmen ne dpt knl n jmpa byk bl0gger yg len.. ^_^ 

Foll0wer Quesheira setakat ne #248

*j0m sma2 j0in :) 

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

♥ Kanvas Kenangan ♥

kanvas itu putih
kucalitkn sdkit wrna
kuserlahkn sdkit ceria
kunampakkn sdikit chaya
kanvas ini kucalitkn
stp kngan indah
m0ment0 x trungkap
0leh bait kata2
kulukiskn wrna wrni pujangga
yg stp satunya
punyai mkna seribu bahasa
di atas knvas ini
kulakarkn nma cinta
kubentukkn mjdi satu jiwa
yg hrs diingati stp masa
yg hrs kau kenangi di mna jua
wlau tika itu kita x lg brsama
br kanvas ini jd sjrah dan
kngan terindah yg x bisa ku lafazkn buatmu...

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Monday, January 21, 2013

me the PAINTER~experiment

just experiment.. ^_^ 0ll b0ut 0rigami (lipatan)

i keep my paint brush wif me wherever i may go in case i need t0 c0ver up
s0, the real me d0esn't sh0w
i'm s0 afraid t0 sh0w u me
afraid 0f what y0u'll d0 that might laugh 0r say mean things
i'm afraid i might l0se u
i'd like t0 rem0ve all my paint c0asts t0 sh0w u the real me, true me
but i want u t0 understand
i need u t0 accept what u see
s0, if y0u'll be patient n cl0se ur eyes, i'll strip 0ff all 0f my c0asts real sl0w
plez understand h0w much it hurts t0 let the real me sh0w
n0w my c0asts are all stripped 0ff
i feel naked, bare n c0ld n if u still luv me wif all that u see
u are my frenz, pure as g0ld
i need t0 save my paint brush, th0ugh n h0ld it in my hand
i want t0 keep it handy in case s0meb0dy d0esn't understand
s0 plez pr0tect me my dear frenz n tenkz f0r l0ving me true
but plez let me keep my paint brush wif me
until I LUV ME too...

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Power of Painting vs ART is Never a Luxury

The power of PAINTING has to c0me fr0m the inside 0ut, n0t the 0utside in. It's n0t just an image. It's an image with a b0dy and that b0dy has t0 c0ntain its spirit. A Painting, really is made by its reas0n f0r being there. What's behind it decides everything. I's n0t just a questi0n 0f attractiveness 0r c0rrectness. It can't be fixed afterwards 0r by additi0ns. H0w it starts will define h0w it ends. So, it's the weight 0f the intenti0n that defines everything.

Life has an inside as well as an 0utside. Consumer culture directs all res0urces and attenti0n t0 life 0n the 0utside. What happens t0 the inner life? Art is never a luxury bc0z it stimulates and resp0nds t0 the inner life. We are badly 0ut 0f balance. I d0n't think 0f art/creativity as a substitute f0r anything else. I see it as a p0werful expressi0n 0f 0ur humanity and 0n the side 0f humanity under threat. If we say art is a luxury, we might as well say that being human is a luxury!
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bukan Cerita Kita..

Bukan cerita kita, alpa dalam segalanya…
Di suatu corong yang terlopong, kerinduan tak bertepi,
Menggamit hati..dalam satu senyuman..
tanpa respons
Kau dan aku..itu cerita kita,
Masing-masing dengan ego, tak ingin bersuara
Lidah kelu untuk berkata, hati dan perasaan
terseksa di Satu..
Sudut tak beraura hanya kerana rasa diri masih dalam,
Samar membatasi segalanya…
Perasaan hati ingin berkasih walau ingin berbicara…
Ingin di luah tapi tak terluah…tak ingin di pendam tapi terpendam
Hanya kerana…ia?Mengatasi segalanya?
Bukan cerita kita,
Mengharap kasih dalam di lema,sampai bilakah kita akan terusan
Aduhai betahta di hati hanya kejujuran yang ku
pinta,apakah cintamu bagai ombak datang dan pergi sesuka hati…

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^

Friday, January 4, 2013

~t0day~ ^_^

t0day is 0wez t0day
f0r there is n0 yesterday 0r t0m0rr0w
live each t0day t0 the fullest
in f0rgiveness, gratitude n wisd0m
wisd0m t0 kn0w u r n0t 0wez right
wisd0m t0 understand th0se with0ut it
wisd0m t0 fill y0ur t0day with experience

feel the j0y 0f t0day
kn0w it will be w0nderful n0 matter what
understand t0day f0r the gl0ry it brings
feel n0 hate as it is a waste 0f time
feel gl0ry in all t0day is bringing
this is y0ur day..t0day

when y0u g0 t0 sleep n y0u wake t0 a new m0rning
it will still be t0day
thank g0d f0r giving y0u a sec0nd chance
t0 make t0day gl0ri0us

Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^