peNgiKut kEsayaNgaN QueshEira
Thursday, June 30, 2011
sAd pLus teNsi0n!!!
bbrpa mggu nie mmg tnsi0n sgt. byk sgt hal yg hrs dfikirkn. Quesheira pn x thu apa yg tjdi n apa yg mlanda fikiran Quesheira buat msa nie. bak kta pepatah..krna nila setitik rosak susu sebelnga. itulh yg mlanda clazmte Quesheira hri rbu mggu nie. x sgka plak hal i2 yg akn tjdi. mmg lec mrh sgt dgn kmi. kta thu n0b0dy is prfct tp dlm msa yg sma kta kna thu jg apa kbaikn n kburukn atas apa yg kita lakukn. jgn sesuka hti ikut kta pnya rntak jer..kna fkr jg tntg 0rg ln. maafkn kmi lec..seandainya sikap n tgkh laku kmi pd msa 2 mbuat lec mrh tp kmi btul2 mnta maaf. x ada spa yg ign hal itu tjdi tp ianya di luar jgkaan. apa yg tlh tjdi biarkn ianya blalu n jgn sesekali ulangi ksalhn itu lg. h0rmatlh pd 0rg yg mdidik n mberi kta ilmu krna tnpa mereka kta x mgkn akn jd spt apa yg kta sdg jlani skrg. tnpa mrka kta bknlh spa2. stp ilmu yg mreka curahkn utk kta ianya amt bmakna. terima ksh yg tramt sgt n skli lg sy ktakn maafkn sgla kslhn yg kmi lakukn.
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
Monday, June 6, 2011
8-10 JULY 2011
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
1st dAy afTer my sEm bReak!!!
sGt2 mEmeNatkn..bRu jEr sMpai kt kMpus smLm n hRi nie dH sTrt kuLiah. aPa lh bLh bUat..hDp bgLr sBg maHasisWi mMg bgNi.iTuLh yg sbNrNya hRs kTa tMpuh uTk mcPai mtLmt hDp. hRi nie cLaZ ptMa bEl..awL2 dh spEakiNg n bUat wriTing. iGtkn iCe brEakiNg jErr..aPapn mMg bEst laa c0z lma dh cTi. cLaz beL nie uNder Ms.cHristiNe..1st imprEssi0n dia se0rg yg bLh dkaTakn 0k n kRa sp0rtiNg jg laa..hehe. hBs cLaz pg td tRs cNtnue dgN cLaz paiNtiNg,mEdia & tEchnique 1 uNder sir.Zaidi. bRu jErr sTrt cLaz dh kNa bUat gr0up prEseNtati0n 4 nXt wEek..huhu. 0k lh..smNgt nk bLjr c0z lma x..haha.h0pe diz sEm dPt bUat yg tBaik brbNdg dgN last sEm. bAk kaTa 0rg tUa2..bLjr dr aPa yg pNh kTa laLui..pgLmn hDp mgJr kTa uTk lbh bDkri dLm mLalui aPa2 pn. mSh lg iGt tyMe 1st sEm dLu..enj0y sGt..x aMbl sRiuz..hehe. kLi nIe QueshEira hRp dPt bUat yg tBaik uTk dr QueshEira sNdri,fmLy,paRa pEnsyaRah yg bYk mgJr,kwN2 n sMua yg my0k0ng QuEshEira.tNpa k0rg sMua mgkN QueshEira x dPt mLalui sMua nie sMpai sKrg. QueshEira nk ucpkN bRbNyk2 trMa ksh kPd tNga peNgjr yg tLh byk mgJr n mbNtu QueshEira sLma iNi. brKt usaHa mrKa QueshEira meMper0leh rsLt yg bAik..n QueshEira brjNji xkn hMpakn hRpn sMua 0rg yg tLh brsusah pYah uTk QueshEira. iNi aPa yg QueshEira nk sLma iNi n QueshEira xkn gVe bgTu sj..
es0k ada cLaz lg..sBjk priNtmakiNg,mEdia & techNique 1..theN cntNue dgN intr0ducTi0n t0 isLamic 0f tHe maLay w0rLd..huhu.hmmm,aPalh yg akN tjdi tyMe cLaz nie..hehe.tgGu yErr..nNti QueshEira ciTer lg..:)
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
es0k ada cLaz lg..sBjk priNtmakiNg,mEdia & techNique 1..theN cntNue dgN intr0ducTi0n t0 isLamic 0f tHe maLay w0rLd..huhu.hmmm,aPalh yg akN tjdi tyMe cLaz nie..hehe.tgGu yErr..nNti QueshEira ciTer lg..:)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
eRti keJayaaN...
Kejayaan umpama racun
mendamba peng0rbanan
kegagahan umpama permata
mendamba keinsafan
satu ilusi yang menjadi realiti
satu mimpi di alam fantasi
yang menjadi realiti
ia disirami air kejayaan
ia ditanam dengan benih kesabaran
ia dibaja dengan penuh ketabahan
bergapai nun jauh
tanpa tangga pendakian
tanpa lif peng0rbanan
tanpa peluh kerajinan
kegagalan menjelma di saat
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
mendamba peng0rbanan
kegagahan umpama permata
mendamba keinsafan
satu ilusi yang menjadi realiti
satu mimpi di alam fantasi
yang menjadi realiti
ia disirami air kejayaan
ia ditanam dengan benih kesabaran
ia dibaja dengan penuh ketabahan
bergapai nun jauh
tanpa tangga pendakian
tanpa lif peng0rbanan
tanpa peluh kerajinan
kegagalan menjelma di saat
Lo0k t0 The Future
Lo0k t0 the future
Believe in y0ur dreams
Have c0urage and faith
Never fear failing
If y0u set 0ut
With a s0ng in y0ur heart
Y0u'll always find
There's a far wind prevailing
H0ld t0 y0ur faith
And what ever faith sends
R0ugh weather 0r fine
Y0u must take it
And y0u will sail
With the harb0ur in sight
That life is as go0d as
We take it...
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
Believe in y0ur dreams
Have c0urage and faith
Never fear failing
If y0u set 0ut
With a s0ng in y0ur heart
Y0u'll always find
There's a far wind prevailing
H0ld t0 y0ur faith
And what ever faith sends
R0ugh weather 0r fine
Y0u must take it
And y0u will sail
With the harb0ur in sight
That life is as go0d as
We take it...
To SucCeed bE aN 0ptiMist
It is n0t circumstances 0r
obstacles that defeat y0u
rather it is h0w y0u appr0ach and
react to them
Y0u must be able t0 lay a
f0undati0n w0th the bricks that
0thers thr0w at y0u
The stumbling blocks in the
pathways 0f the pessimest bec0me
stepping st0nes in the pathway 0f
the 0ptimist
The secret 0f SUCCESS is
welc0ming as 0pp0rtunities
whatever 0bstacles c0nfr0nt y0u
and seeing every setbacks as a
stepping st0ne t0 ultimate
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
obstacles that defeat y0u
rather it is h0w y0u appr0ach and
react to them
Y0u must be able t0 lay a
f0undati0n w0th the bricks that
0thers thr0w at y0u
The stumbling blocks in the
pathways 0f the pessimest bec0me
stepping st0nes in the pathway 0f
the 0ptimist
The secret 0f SUCCESS is
welc0ming as 0pp0rtunities
whatever 0bstacles c0nfr0nt y0u
and seeing every setbacks as a
stepping st0ne t0 ultimate
iBu..eNgkau raTu di haTiku
coretan buatmu ibu tersayang...
ibu..kau angkt aq dr alam jiwa
brsama ksh syg yg kau ikat
brsama cinta yg kau jerat
brsama smua suka yg tiada dua
aq mnangis ktika datang ke dnia fana
tangisku bhagiamu..tngisku haru
bhgia krna mpnyai ibu sptmu
haru krna kau sngt istimewa di mata dunia
ketika aq haus..ketika aq lapar
kau alirkn drahmu ke mulutku
brsama hngat yg kau twarkn
brsama ikhlas yg kau sungguhkn
trasa sngt dmai..trasa sngt indah..
Thursday, June 2, 2011
haNya uNtuk iBuku...
adalah wanita yang telah melahirkanku
hingga diriku telah dewasa
adalah wanita yang selalu siaga tatkala aku dalam buaian
tatkala kaki-kakiku belum kuat untuk berdiri
tatkala perutku terasa lapar dan haus
tatkala kuterbangun di waktu pagi, siang dan malam
adalah wanita yang penuh perhatian
bila aku sakit
bila aku terjatuh
bila aku menangis
bila aku kesepian
telah kupandang wajahmu diwaktu tidur
terdapat sinar yang penuh dengan keridhoan
terdapat sinar yang penuh dengan kesabaran
terdapat sinar yang penuh dengan kasih dan sayang
terdapat sinar kelelahan karena aku
Aku yang selalu merepotkanmu
aku yang selalu menyita perhatianmu
aku yang telah menghabiskan air susumu
aku yang selalu menyusahkanmu hingga muncul tangismu
engkau menangis karena aku
engkau sedih karena aku
engkau menderita karena aku
engkau kurus karena aku
engkau korbankan segalanya untuk aku
jasamu tiada terbalas
jasamu tiada terbeli
jasamu tiada akhir
jasamu tiada tara
jasamu terlukis indah di dalam surga
hanya do'a yang bisa kupersembahkan untukmu
karena jasamu
tiada terbalas
Hanya tangisku sebagai saksi
atas rasa cintaku padamu
ab0ut me u sh0uLd kn0w!!!
╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥
║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫
║(O)║♥ flow ♥
- miRz arNiesyz -
█ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max
► Play. ▌▌Pause. ■ Stop
♥l0ve JesusChrist s0 mUx♥
I am me..ArNiesyz QueshEira
in all the world..there is no one else exactly like me
evrythg that cmes out of me is authentically mine..
bcause... i alone choose it
i own evrthg bout me
my voice..all my actions
whether they be to others or myself
i own my fears
i own my triumphs and successes
all my failures n mistakes
bcause i own all of me
i can bcome intimately acquainted with me
by so doing..
i can love me n be friendly with all my parts
i know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me
each other aspects that i do not know..
but as long as i am friendly n loving to myself
i can courageously n hopefully look for solutions
to the puzzles n ways to find out more about me
however i look n sound..
whatever i say n do..
n whatever i think n feel at a gven moment
in time is authentically me..
if later some parts of how i looked..sounded..thought n felt turn out to be unfitting
i can discard that which is unfitting
keep the rest n invent smething new for that
which i discarded..
i can see..hear..feel..say..n do
i hve the tools to survive
to be close to others
to be productive..
n to make sense n order out of the world
of people n things outside of me
i own me..n therefore
i can engineer me
i am me..
Quesheira Sayang k0rang ^_^
║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫
║(O)║♥ flow ♥
- miRz arNiesyz -
█ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max
► Play. ▌▌Pause. ■ Stop
♥l0ve JesusChrist s0 mUx♥
I am me..ArNiesyz QueshEira
in all the world..there is no one else exactly like me
evrythg that cmes out of me is authentically mine..
bcause... i alone choose it
i own evrthg bout me
my voice..all my actions
whether they be to others or myself
i own my fears
i own my triumphs and successes
all my failures n mistakes
bcause i own all of me
i can bcome intimately acquainted with me
by so doing..
i can love me n be friendly with all my parts
i know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me
each other aspects that i do not know..
but as long as i am friendly n loving to myself
i can courageously n hopefully look for solutions
to the puzzles n ways to find out more about me
however i look n sound..
whatever i say n do..
n whatever i think n feel at a gven moment
in time is authentically me..
if later some parts of how i looked..sounded..thought n felt turn out to be unfitting
i can discard that which is unfitting
keep the rest n invent smething new for that
which i discarded..
i can see..hear..feel..say..n do
i hve the tools to survive
to be close to others
to be productive..
n to make sense n order out of the world
of people n things outside of me
i own me..n therefore
i can engineer me
i am me..
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