arl0wwwww....... :)
pa kbar smua rkn2 bl0gger q??? h0pe k0rg chat hndaknya..
ptma skli Quesheira nk mnta maaf psl lma sgt dh x p0st apa2 entry pd ruangn ne..huhu
mklumlh, mlaz ckit sbnrnya psl d0k fkr study..yelh 2..hmmmm
apapn, pd entry kli ne Quesheira bg k0rg tgk apa yg kta0rg buat tyme msk sem yg bru orite. kta0rg ne mmg gla2 ckit. effect imaginati0n mgkn.. :)
skrg ne tggl 1 sem lg b4 final..ummmm, bgtu cpt msa blalu. rsa mcm bru smlm jerr msk cmpus. tp, mmg best lh c0z byk pglmn yg Quesheira n rkn2 dpt. pkra yg kta0rg mmg x trfkr pn. hbs nnti h0pe blh cntnue lg..c0z ART N DESIGN ne mmg bestttt gilerrrr lh. luv u!!! hehehe..
enth mcm mna tba2 Quesheira blh dpt. nk kta tyme intrvw 2 yg d best..x jg. besa jerr. mgkn dh rzeki Quesheira kt cnie lh tu. hahaha. actlly, klau k0rg nk thu..ilmu Quesheira dlm seni ne mmg ZERO hbs. mla2 tu x ykin sgt dpt brthn until n0w. rsa nk gve up pn ada c0z tgk byk yg lbh brbkat. Quesheira xde bkat pn dlm bab2 mlukis ne..
butttt.....tenkz 2 0ll my lec c0z byk bri bmbingn n tnjuk ajr kt Quesheira smpai skrg. Quesheira xkn lpakn smua 2. tnpa k0rg mgkn Quesheira dh xde lg kt bdang ne. dr ZERO skrg Quesheira dh blh bktikn tnpa bkat pn kta blh buat smua tu aslkn ada usaha. itu yg pntg..!!!

"i,m thankful 4 0ll the trials tht c0me my way, wth0ut them i w0uld n0t hve gr0wn, f0r evrythg has a purp0se, we are here 2 learn, there will always be changes, this i kn0w well n i accept them as parts of the lesson in life.
and i pray t0 GOD tht i will always find smthg to thank GOD for"
~like the birds say, this life is just temporary n the next life is a different st0ry~ s0ooo...tht's 0ll 4 n0w, bubbyeee...